October is upon us. And because it’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we encourage people to take note this month of the existence of domestic violence and the potential victims around us. This type of awareness of domestic violence should remain consistent, even past the month of October.
Tuesday October 6th, 2015
Domestic Abuse Awareness Ceremony – 11am
The Nassau County Executive’s Task Force on Family Violence and The Safe Center
Theodore Roosevelt Legislative and Executive Building Ceremonial Chamber
1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola, NY
In honor and in remembrance of the victims of domestic violence and abuse
National Call of Unity: Awareness + Action = Social Change – 3:00-3:45pm Eastern Time
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Gather with fellow advocates, allies, survivors, and others working to end domestic and sexual violence to celebrate, recharge, and refocus our efforts. On this annual, free 45-minute call, several national organizations, governmental agencies, local domestic violence programs, advocates, allies, survivors and their family and friends gather together to connect and refocus our efforts to end domestic and sexual violence. This year’s call will feature the inspiring story of Jacqueline Miller, who identifies as a childhood survivor of domestic violence.
RSVP via Facebook.
Wednesday October 21, 2015
Webinar: (Aspiring) Allies in the Struggle: Inter-sectional Work as a Trauma Informed Response and Prevention
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Online – iLinc
This webinar is for aspiring white allies interested in deepening their understanding of the connections between racial justice work and domestic and sexual violence intervention and prevention work. Topics will include: how disparities created by institutional and systemic racism may affect survivors of color; why an inter-sectional approach is integral to a trauma-informed response and building trauma-informed prevention programs; and specific examples of how the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance has integrated a racial justice lens into various aspects of our work.
To register online.
Tuesday October 27, 2015
Webinar: A Deeper Conversation: The Intersection of Firearms and Domestic Violence – 2 pm CT
The Hotline and Americans for Responsible Solutions
This joint webinar will take a look at how the presence of a firearm in an abusive relationship intensifies the fear of abuse victims. It will also explore what can be done to provide greater protections to domestic violence victims and survivors.
Wednesday October 28, 2015
Webinar: Embracing the Intersectionality of Oppressions Lens – Bringing the Margins to the Center
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
Online – iLinc
Presenters will discuss the significance, gifts, challenges, successes and the evolution of using intersectionality of oppressions lens as the main approach to our work. This presentation will offer strategies for developing and implementing relevant and effective programming to foster healthy communities – building partnerships, collective leadership, and networks through this community organizing approach to more meaningfully engage communities of color.
Social Media
Here are a few ways to raise awareness about domestic violence and the impact it has on our communities, our state, and around the world.
- Encourage friends and family members to donate to The Safe Center or your other favorite domestic violence advocacy organizations to help support our vital missions to prevent and end domestic violence
- Change your social media profile and cover photos to purple ribbons and other domestic violence awareness signs or slogans
- Join New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) in using the #NYDVAM hashtag on Facebook and Twitter to highlight all of the amazing work being done by domestic violence programs across New York State. Click each link to follow the Facebook #NYDVAM stream and the Twitter #NYDVAM stream!
- Follow and share National Network To End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) annual #31in31 campaign on Facebook and Twitter to help spread awareness and end domestic violence
- Join New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) Shine The Light campaign, and post pictures of you and/or your agency Shining the Light and turning the state purple with the hashtag #ShineTheLight. Click this link to see the 2014 #ShineTheLight photo gallery
- Join activists and organizations in a #DVAM2015 Twitter Chat hosted by National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) on October 13th exploring the intersectionality of oppression and the interconnectedness between types of violence, and the value of our allied partnerships in preventing and responding to gender based violence. Follow @NationalDVAM and join the conversation on Twitter at #DVAM2015.
- Join National Network To End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) Week of Action October 19th – 23rd
- Join the Wear Purple 4 #PurpleThursday Thunderclap on October 22nd and post photos of you and your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues wearing purple to raise awareness!
Resources & Toolkits
New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) Shine the Light Campaign
From skyscrapers to bridges, storefronts to shopping centers, purple lights illuminate the nights of October. People wear purple clothing while police cars and municipal vehicles display purple magnetic ribbons. This low or no-cost campaign has grown from several dozen participants in 2008 many hundreds. OPDV’s Shine the Light Toolkit includes printable materials (flyers, brochures, palm cards), talking points, and much more to help local communities Shine the Light and Turn the State Purple!
National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)
NNEDV’s DVAM Action includes their #31in31 calendar of actions to help end domestic violence, events for the 2015 Week of Action, and materials for use on social media platforms.
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)
NRCDV has also put together a website of campaign ideas, a nationwide calendar of events for DVAM, training resources, awareness highlights, and other materials which are available in four languages.