Links & Resources

Child Abuse
Dating Violence
Domestic Violence
Elder Abuse
Sexual Violence

Child Welfare League of America
An association of more than 900 public and private nonprofit agencies that assist more than 3.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year with a range of services.

International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Multidisciplinary international organization that brings together a worldwide cross-section of committed professionals to work toward the prevention and treatment of child abuse, neglect and exploitation globally.

Joyful Heart Foundation
National organization working to heal, educate and empower survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse, and to shed light into the darkness that surrounds these issues.

Male Survivors – 1 in 6
Support organization for men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood live healthier, happier lives.

National Children’s Alliance
The national association and accrediting body for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs). Provides support, technical assistance, and quality assurance for CACs.

New York State Mandated Reporter Resource Center
2-hour online Mandated Reporter course.

New York State Office of Children and Family Services
The Office of Children and Family Services serves New York’s public by promoting the safety, permanency and well-being of our children, families and communities.

Prevent Child Abuse America
National organization working to promote the healthy development of children and prevent child abuse before it can occur in order to help children to grow up and contribute in their communities.

Prevent Child Abuse New York
Serves as a resource for parents and families in New York, connecting them with help, support and resources.

Safe Horizon
Provides support, prevents violence and promotes justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families and communities.

Stop It Now!
Prevents the sexual abuse of children by mobilizing adults, families and communities to take actions that protect children before they are harmed.

Dating Violence

Break The Cycle
Leading national nonprofit organization providing comprehensive dating abuse programs exclusively to young people ages 12 to 24.

Love is Respect
Resource to empower youth to prevent and end dating abuse. Free and confidential phone, live chat and texting services 24/7/365 offer support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships.
Chat at
Text loveis to 22522*
Call 1-866-331-9474

Battered Women’s Justice Center
National resource center on civil and criminal justice responses to intimate partner violence (IPV).
Searchable directory of domestic violence service providers in the United States providing users the ability to find services best suited to their needs and providing domestic violence providers with online resources.

EWAWI (End Violence Against Women International)
Professional training organization offering resources to improve criminal justice and community responses to gender-based violence

Futures Without Violence
Futures provides programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world.

Hopeline® from Verizon connects survivors of domestic violence to vital resources, funds organizations nationwide and protects the environment.

Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVAAC)
IDVAAC focuses on the unique circumstances of African Americans as they face issues related to domestic violence – including intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder maltreatment, and community violence.

National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health
Provides training, support, and consultation to advocates, mental health and substance abuse providers, legal professionals, and policymakers as they work to improve agency and systems-level responses to survivors and their children.

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence
National organization providing training and consultation, influencing policy, collaborating and enhancing diversity with the goal of ending domestic and sexual violence.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence [NCADV]
Collaborates with other national organizations to promote legislation and policies that serve and protect victims and survivors of domestic violence, working to change the narrative surrounding domestic violence.

National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative
Provides technical assistance for the reviewing of domestic violence related deaths with the underlying objectives of preventing them in the future, preserving the safety of battered women, and holding accountable both the perpetrators of domestic violence and the multiple agencies and organizations that come into contact with the parties.

National Network to End DV
A social change organization dedicated to creating a social, political and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists.

National Taskforce to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women
Committed to ending domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
A a not-for-profit membership organization that works to ensure the provision of effective and appropriate services to survivors through community outreach, training, technical assistance, and policy development.

NYS Office for the Prevention Against Domestic Violence [OPDV]
OPDV is an executive level state agency created to improve New York State’s response to and prevention of domestic violence with the goal of enhancing the safety of all New Yorkers in their intimate and family relationships.

Safe Horizon
A victims assistance organization that provides support, prevents violence and promotes justice for victims of crime and abuse, their families and communities.

Sakhi for South Asian Women
Sakhi unites survivors, communities, and institutions to eradicate domestic violence & form healthy communities.

Sanctuary For Families
Sanctuary for Families is dedicated to the safety, healing and self-determination of victims of domestic violence and related forms of gender violence.

VAWnet – Domestic Violence
National online resource center on violence against women.

Elder Abuse

Aging in Place – National  Council on Elder Abuse
Guide to recognizing elder abuse and knowing your rights

National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
NCEA is a resource for policy makers, social service and health care practitioners, the justice system, researchers, advocates, and families.

National Clearinghouse for Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
Through advocacy and education, NCALL works to improve victim safety, increase abuser accountability, expand coordinated community response, and put an end to abuse in later life.

Nursing Home Abuse Center
An online resource with information about senior and elder dangers and safety options.


American Bar Association Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence
By mobilizing the legal profession the commission increases access to justice for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.

Center for Court Innovation
The Center works with jurisdictions nationally on implementing domestic violence court best practices.

Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project (DV LEAP)
DV LEAP fights to overturn unjust trial court outcomes and advances legal protections for victims of domestic violence and their children.

Legal Momentum
National nonprofit organization that leads action for the legal rights of women.

National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women
Works for justice for battered women charged with crimes.

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)
NCJFCJ provides information and resources on juvenile courts and family courts.

Women’s Law Initiative
Legal information and support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Sexual Violence

National Alliance to End Sexual Violence
National organization that focuses on public policy and public education to end sexual violence.

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence NCDSV
NCDSV offers consulting, training and advocacy on issues relating to domestic violence and sexual abuse.

National Sexual Assault Resource Sharing Project (RSP)
Sexual violence-related services and resources.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Research and resources in preventing and responding to sexual violence.

Changing Our Campus
Sexual assault resources and information for students, schools, and advocates.

Rape Abuse Incest Nation Network [RAINN] Anti-sexual assault organization working with local rape crisis centers across the U.S.


CAST (Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking)
CAST partners with NGOs and government agencies, locally and internationally, to build a powerful movement to end modern-day slavery.

Not For Sale
Provides survivors and at-risk communities with shelter, healthcare, and legal services.

Polaris Project
Polaris is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that works to combat and prevent modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

Safe Horizon
Service provider for survivors of human trafficking.

Mental Health / Suicide Prevention

Survivors of violence or abuse may face long lasting impacts. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or experiencing a mental health crisis, you can Call or Text 988 or Chat at . 988 connects you with a trained crisis counselor who can help 24/7. 

El código de marcación 988 estará disponible en todo el país para llamadas
(en varios idiomas), texto o chat (solo en inglés) Hasta entonces, quienes sufran una crisis de salud mental o relacionada con suicidio, o quienes ayuden a un ser querido en una situación de crisis, deben seguir utilizando la Línea de vida con el número: 988