What is Dating Violence?

Dating violence is controlling, abusive, and aggressive behavior in a romantic relationship. It occurs across all communities, regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, age, religion, cultural heritage, and social or economic status.

dating-violenceDating violence isn’t only about hitting. It’s about: Excessive jealousy, threats, accusations, verbal abuse, forced sex or being humiliated into performing sexual acts; constantly calling/texting; possessiveness; telling you what to wear, who you can talk to, and who you can have as a friend; isolating you from friends and family.

It can occur in person or electronically and might occur with a current or former dating partner.

It can include verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, or a combination.

Dating violence is a public health issue that affects people from all ages, backgrounds and identities, however, young people ages 16-24 experience violence more than any other age group.  In fact 1 in 3 young people experience some form of dating or sexual violence.

Abusive relationships can start just like healthy ones – full of love, excitement and romance. As time goes on, what once felt loving or flattering starts to feel controlling and even frightening.

Some of the effects of the abuse are:

  • Guilt, shame, and blame – that you couldn’t stop the abuse or experienced extreme fear and arousal, or you froze
  • Low Self Esteem – that you feel defective, worthless, empty
  • Intimacy and relationship issues – that you find yourself in one abusive relationship after another and/or have difficulty communicating or expressing yourself or managing your emotions

No matter what the abuse, it’s never too late to begin the healing process from this experience and live a happy, healthy life that you deserve.

If you or someone you care about has been a victim of dating violence, please contact our confidential hotline at 516-542-0404 to find out how we can help. If this is an emergency and you are not safe, please call 911.