We Are There for Victims of Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence

Rape, sexual assault and domestic violence are traumatizing and physically brutal experiences for which many victims need emergency hospital services. To help at this critical time, when victims are feeling hurt, confused and alone, The Safe Center sends an Advocate to the emergency room to comfort the victim, someone warm and sincere who has been trained to offer support and crisis intervention.

The Advocate, known as the SAFER Advocate, is a volunteer that has been trained to work under these crisis circumstances in the hospital. The Advocate will stay by the victim’s side as the victim makes difficult decisions. The Advocate will hold hands and provide tissues for tears, as the victim goes through the process of medical examinations and police interviews. The Advocate will connect the victim to services at The Safe Center and other agencies as needed.

The SAFER Program – Survivors’ Advocate for Emergency Response- provides volunteers to all the Nassau County Hospitals for victims of rape, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence. Advocates are dispatched as soon as a request is made, and are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Victims often express their relief at having an advocate at their side. One woman said “I don’t know what I would have done without the advocate. I didn’t understand anything that was going on but it was so reassuring to see the advocate was there for me“.

The experience can be rewarding for the advocate as well. One of our tireless volunteers stated “Training to become a SAFER advocate gave me knowledge. Showing up at the hospitals and listening to the victims provided me with wisdom. Experience has taught me to be more present in the moment, less reactive, and in return I have acquired more wisdom.”

If you are interested in finding out about how to become a SAFER Advocate, email Diane Harvey at dharvey@tscli.org

Janine Sadowski, Director of Rape & Sexual Assault Services