
The Safe Center is a Proud Participant Of #OneIslandGivingDay


We Invite You, Our Friends, Families, Supporters and Champions to Join Us in This Movement.
Please be a part of our team and help The Safe Center reach its fundraising GOAL of $10,000.

You can do this by supporting our agency’s efforts in one or more of the following ways:
Leave a Comment on The Safe Center’s One Island Giving Page
Create Your Own Fundraising Page or Team Page for The Safe Center and Tell Others Why  You Support Our Agency
Make A Donation To The Safe Center On or Before October 26th
• Offer a Matching Gift to Boost and Encourage Support For The Safe Center Contact Francine Medaglia
• Help The Safe Center Win Either The Instagram or Facebook Contest A Maximum of $25000 in Cash or In-Kind Donation Prize awarded to top three most engaged nonprofits

This Campaign is coordinated by The Hagedorn Foundation in Partnership with The Safe Center and other area nonprofits. Please know that your participation in this campaign will increase The Safe Center’s eligibility for additional funding
in recognition of our efforts.