Short-term housing assistance is provided through Project Horizon. This program requires that domestic violence survivors meet HUD (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development) homeless criteria.
Families in our Housing Program receive:
- Assistance in locating & securing affordable housing in a new, safe community—since only after stable housing is established can other needs be addressed
- Short-term rental assistance
- Help obtaining furnishings and needed household items to
set up a new home - Referrals and linkage to childcare services, social service programs and other community organizations
- Advocacy with Social Services, Social Security, courts,
community organizations, and other systems - Referrals for training and education with the goal of sustainable employment
- Budgeting and financial literacy education — including referrals to credit counseling programs
Project Horizon operates using the Housing First Model and only accepts eligible participants through the Coordinated Entry process that is overseen by The Long Island Coalition for the Homeless Continuum of Care (COC). The Safe Center does not determine who accesses the Rapid Re-Housing Program and only receives referrals from the COC.