High School

SurfSafe!™ A one-session Internet safety workshop for grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 students focusing on cyberbullying, online sexual exploitation and other Web-based threats to children

Safe Dates: A 4 session program facilitated by our teen dating abuse educators in High Schools. The program strives to raise students’ awareness of what constitutes healthy and unhealthy relationships and equips them with the skills to develop healthy relationships, including positive communication, consent, and conflict resolution.

Sexual Harassment Prevention™:  a two-session workshop for grades 6, 7 and 8 that discusses gender based bias harassment and sand the importance of maintaining moral respect and dignity for all students.

To Schedule a Workshop

Currently, CAPS K-12 programs are only available to schools in Nassau and Suffolk on Long Island. Please call (516)390-8131 for information  or email  ldifiglia@tscli.org.