On April 15th The Safe Center planned and facilitated the 6th annual “Many Faces of Family Violence: Child Abuse” Conference in conjunction with the County Executive’s Family Violence Task Force, The Nassau County Department of Social Services, LIU Post and LIU Brooklyn. This was the first year that The Safe Center served as the lead agency for the Conference and the first time its focus was on child abuse.
More than 400 Social Workers, Teachers, Detectives, CPS Workers and private citizens from Nassau and the surrounding counties attended the Conference, held on LIU Post’s Brookville campus. The Conference was bookended by Keynote Addresses from Dr. Ross Cheit from Brown University, author of The Witch Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology and the Sexual Abuse of Children and The Safe Center’s Education Director, Anthony Zenkus.
The event also featured presentations from a number of subject-matter experts on child abuse-related topics including clinical responses to child abuse, the commercial sexual exploitation of minors and The Safe Center’s Nassau County Child Advocacy Center’s investigative response to child abuse.
The event will be held again on April 7th, 2017. The 2017 Call for Workshops is now available. Submissions must be received by September 30th, 2016.
Josh Hanson, Child Advocacy Center Director